
   a roneo is a roneo is a roneo
    (from screenprint & staples to www)

Panel: Ken Bolton   Lucas Ihlein   John Tranter
Chair: Pam Brown

What do you do when transnational publishing companies don’t dig your poetry?
Go underground and diy. Take control of your aesthetic and represent your culture properly! These men have done it and will tell you how and why:

Using pens & pencils, roneo duplicators, staples, and silk screen printing, Ken Bolton and his gang made beautiful books, magazines and posters. Ken was the founder & editor of Magic Sam and Otis Rush magazines. He is a poet and art critic and the publisher of Little Esther Books. He lives in Adelaide and manages Dark Horsey Bookshop (eaf.asn.au/darkhorsey.htm) at the Experimental Art Foundation. Ken was at the hub of the hip, arty resistance of the late 1970s.

Lucas Ihlein is an artist who creates and harnesses social situations through communicative exchange. Since 2005, he has been working on a series of blog-as-art projects about particular locations (lucazoid.com) Lucas was a co-founder of the SquatSpace collective (squatspace.com) which engages in the politics (and pleasures) of space in Sydney. In 2004 he helped establish the Network of UnCollectable Artists (NUCA) (uncollectables.net) He designs and manages websites. He is also involved with Big FAG Press, an offset printing collective in Alexandria (bigfagpress.org)

Editor of the highly acclaimed, very contemporary online poetry magazine 'Jacket'(jacketmagazine.com) John Tranter, vaguely remembers the 70s even though he spent some of them living in Singapore and Brisbane. He was the publisher of Transit books and produced many poetry programs for ABC radio. John is a poet with many titles published both in Australia and overseas. His most recent collection is Urban Myths (UQP). He will talk about what to do now - diy on the www. Distribution? - no problema!

Chair : Pam Brown (once known as Cocabola)

             Ken Bolton, Magic Sam silkscreen cover at MCA 2009

             Magic Sam case at MCA 2009

          John Tranter, silk screen poster, late 70s, at MCA 2009

Avoiding Myth & Message:
Australian Artists & the Literary World

Free entry

Museum of Contemporary Art,
Circular Quay,

Sunday July 12, 2.30pm

                   Micky Allan, silk screen poster 1978 at MCA 2009

                          presented by

                              thanks to Morgan Smith & Glenn Barkley
                             further info click here

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